Social Media For Small Businesses
Social media marketing is no longer optional for small businesses in 2018.
Using social media to market your small business will help you get more money from your existing customers in addition to acquiring new ones.
Failure to have an effective social media strategy can be detrimental to your small business.
While you may not think your lack of a social media presence is having an impact on you today, it will eventually catch up with you down the road. So don’t wait until it’s too late to get started.
Marketing with Instragram
Are you selling products on Instagram? Wondering how to create Instagram posts that interest shoppers?
Read more HERE
Want to sell more of your products or services on Instagram? Looking for ideas to help increase your sales?
Read more HERE
Marketing with Facebook
Facebook is an incredibly powerful marketing tool. You’ve no doubt heard this already.
It is, after all, the world’s largest social network, and one which enables heretofore unheard-of avenues of communication. Never before have businesses been able to reach their customer base so easily, and on so intimate a level. Of course, that in and of itself means you cannot go in without a clear marketing plan, one which needs to be flexible enough to evolve with your changing business needs.
Read a full guide HERE

Marketing with Yelp
Yelp enables people to search for local businesses based on customer ratings and reviews. It covers a broad range of industry sectors including food, beauty and spas, health and medical, home services, and many more.
As a business owner, you can use Yelp to showcase your products and services and connect with customers and prospects in your local area.
Read a full guide HERE